About what?!!?
About everything!!!
Including actually keeping you guys updated on this blog!
A few days ago I had a long difficult discussion with my dad about what the future holds. And at the end of the day, I was exhausted and overwhlemed because I don't really know.
I beleive that God has placed it upon my heart to work in Nairobi doing Sexual Abuse Aftercare and Education. I am toying with the idea of one day opening a center that will counsel, provide basic medical help, possibley one day a safe house, small groups, referals to lawyers, etc, etc, etc. Furthermore, i would like to go to schools, churches, conferences, etc and try to break down the stigma that is still strong about sexual abuse in Africa. Many believe that the victim was also part of the problem. Yes, I am sure that we have all had instances that in hindsight, we know we could have done something different... BUT NO ONE DESERVES OR ASKS TO BE VIOLATED! Some people have lived with the scars from sexual abuse for so long that it has become a part of their identity and I want them to know that there is a safe place, with safe people that they can come to and expereince real healing! Grace, forgiveness, love, hope, beauty- many of these things are lost when someone is violated in such a way and I want to help them regain these things and their identity as a whole and beautiful person!
I am not sure if this is a dream that I will realize in the next year, 5 years, 10 years... but it is a passion and a dream that I would love to accomplish.
I am trying to network and build relationships with others who deal with various aspects of this in Nairobi and throughout the world.
In other news: As many of you know, I had originally come to Kenya to get a MA in Missions (2 yr prog). About half way through my first year, I changed to a three year program (MDiv). Changing to three years has been great, but it did add another year that I am spending and not really making money. (this is the part where I tell you to pray and ask God if you would like to partner with me in finances- if so, please email me- kelly.krammer@gmail.com)
I have, however, been able to start private tutoring in Nairobi. This has been great in that it helps with monthly expenses and I feel like it is a ministry in itself. Most of my clients are Koreans who would like to improve their English in order to be more effective ministers in Kenya!
I also have been teaching on the Book of Acts at a church in Buru Buru. Many youth are being challenged in their thoughts and actions to show love to all.
I have also been painting, reading, working out, learning kiswahili and trying to relax. I have about 6 more weeks before the third year of NEGST begins and I want to maximize the time I have to do (and not do) alot!
Thank you for your continued prayers and support!
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